################################################## RMP (R)emote (M)usic (P)layer By Kirk Waingrow - (05/2011) Version 3.2 ################################################## 1. What is rmp? 2. Features 3. Files And Directories 4. Installation a. Dependancies b. Install Process c. Configure rmp.cfg d. Playlist Syntax e. Basic Testing f. Configure for rmpweb g. Configure for file downloads 5. Instructions for rmpweb 6. Instructions for rmp 7. Instructions for Time 8. Instructions for Promos 9. F.A.Q. a. How does it all work b. How do I stop rmp? c. I just updated my playlist when will rmp see it d. Something stopped working, what do I do? e. When can/can't I use spaces. f. Why does the volume partially work or not work 10. New Features Developed 11. KNOWN BUGS --------------------------------------------------------- 1. WHAT IS RMP? RMP is a Remote Music Player that allows remote control over music playing on a local Linux computer. The music can be controlled remotely with a web interface, cellphone or through a command line shell interface. 2. FEATURES * Supports m3u playlists. * Display playlists, Artists, Title, Genre of playing song. * Download remote music to a cellphone or local computer. * Speak the current time * Play Promo, Commercial, or short audio clips * Control volume remotely * Search/play specific tunes throughout all the playlists * Select next song anytime (without commercials -lol) * multiple ways to control (web / command line) * Easy to set up 3. FILES AND DIRECTORIES Manditory Files: * rmpd - Main daemon that controls the music to play * rmp.ctrld - Daemon that interfaces web, command line, and rmpd * rmp.cfg - rmp configuration settings * rmp - Command line interface to rmp.ctrl and rmpd * rmpweb - Web interface to rmp.ctrl and rmpd * playlists - directory containing all the playlists Optional: * runrmp - Starts rmpd and rmp.ctrld in backgroud. * killrmp - quickly stops everything related to rmp * depsrmp - autoinstall dependant packages needed to run rmp 4. INSTALLATION rmp has only been tested on UBUNTU so far, but should work on other flavors of Linux with minimul changes. 4a. DEPENDANCIES The following need to be installed: alsa - ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page # apt-get install alsa mplayer - Music Player. Others like mpg123 should work no problem. # apt-get install mplayer Test under perl 5.10.x The following CPAN Modules are needed: # perl -MCPAN -e 'install File::Copy' # perl -MCPAN -e 'install MP3::Tag' # perl -MCPAN -e 'install Proc::Killall' # perl -MCPAN -e 'install File::Basename' 4b. INSTALL PROCESS 1) Create a directory for rmp to live in # mkdir /usr/local/rmp 2) Extract rmp anywhere # untar rmp.tar.gz 3) Go into the extract rmp directory: # cd rmp-v### (whe v### is the version number) 4) copy all the contents to /usr/local/rmp # cp * /usr/local/rmp 5) Create a playlist directory: # mkdir /usr/local/rmp/playlists 6) Verify perl is pointing to the the path of perl at the top of the following files: rmp rmpd rmp.ctrld rmpweb 7) Verify that the "require" line points to the rmp.cfg file in the following files: rmp rmpd rmp.ctrld rmpweb 8) Edit the rmp.cfg file appropriately to match your settings: (SEE BELOW FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF ALL VARIABLES IN rmp.cfg) 9) Add crontab entry for rmp.watchdog */1 * * * * /usr/local/rmp/rmp.watchdog > /dev/null 2>&1 10) Allow apache to restart rmp with a sudo entry. Yes this can be dangerous, but rmp runs as root to control devices. This can be locked down to sudo specific commands, but this is the simplest mod. apacehe ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL 4c. Configure rmp.cfg DEBUG Provides useful information if there is a problem running rmp. To activate $DEBUG should equal "1". $DEBUG=""; This is where all the temporary files are stored $TMP="/tmp"; The location of everything that makes up rmp $RMPDIR="/usr/local/rmp"; The location of all the playlists $PLAYDIR="$RMPDIR/playlists"; The name of the default playlist that will always start at launch. The extension (m3u,dat,txt) can be anything or nothing. $DEFAULT_PLAYLIST="Default.txt"; The music player to use and play the tunes. $MPLAYER="/usr/bin/mplayer"; Any options that are needed by the music player. $MPLAYEROPTS="-really-quiet"; Play this number of tunes until a Promo audio clip is played. Example: A Promo audio clip will not play until 5 tunes have been played. $PROMOTUNES="5"; When it is time to play a Promo audio clip, how many will be played If NO Promo audio clips are wanted, set $NUMPROMO="". Example: 1 Promo will be played. $NUMPROMO="1"; The location of the Promo's Playlist located. The Promo audio clip MUST be in "mp3" format. The syntax in the Promos.txt file is the same as a normal playlest: [path]/[audio_clip].mp3 $PROMO_PLAYLIST="Promos.txt"; If the file rmp_[playlist] doesn't exist, then copy the playlist to this temp file and manipulate it instead of the original file. $PLAYFILE="$TMP/rmp_"; This file always contains the Artist, Title, Genre, Playlist $RMPDAT="$TMP/rmp.dat"; Commands from the web / command line are proccessed to/from this file $RMPCMD="$TMP/rmp.cmd"; The volume setting placed in this file $RMPVOL="$TMP/rmp.vol"; The search results are placed in this file $RMPSCH="$TMP/rmp.sch"; When reset needs to be performed this tmp file is set $RMPRST="$TMP/rmp.reset"; When this file exists, it disables the Promo files from being played $RMPPRM="$TMP/rmp.promos"; # toggle playing promos When this file exists, it disables the Time from being spoken $RMPTIM="$TMP/rmp.time"; # toggle saying the time While rmp or rmpweb initiates playing a "Next File". This is used so the Time counter is not affected by jumping to the next song. $RMPKIL="$TMP/rmp.kil"; The Title of the web page $PAGE_TITLE="Personal Music Player"; The CGI that drives the web interface $PROG="/cgi-bin/rmpweb"; The directory will the css files live $CSSDIR="/var/www/css"; The volume control is driven by "amixer" which is not supported on all machines. This setting turns off the controls so it isn't displayed on the web interface. Set to "1" to turn it on, leave it blank to turn it off. $DISPVOL="1"; The time is spoken after the number tunes that have been played. Selecting "Next Song" in rmp or rmpweb will not count against a tune played. Example: The time will be spoken once 3 songs have played in their entirety $TIMETUNES="3"; The number of times that the time will be spoken. To turn off the time being spoken, set $NUMTIME="". $NUMTIME="1"; The speech synthesizer that is being used $SPEAK="/usr/bin/espeak"; $SPEAKOPTS="-a 300 -p 90 -s 120 -v en-us"; 4d. Playlist Syntax The playlist is simply a list of mp3 files with their complete path. /music/rock/Scorpions-Blackout.mp3 Lines starting with "#". 4e. Basic Testing 1) Turn on DEBUG="1" in the rmp.cfg 2) Start rmp.ctrld: # ./rmp.ctrld There should be no errors and display every 2 seconds: rmp.ctrld: Watching rmpd... 3) Break out with ctrl-C 4) Start rmpd: # ./rmpd The output should display the playlists information and if all goes well, start playing a tune off the default list. # ./rmpd rmpd: Starting Remote Music Player... rmpd: TOTAL # Playlist = 1 rmpd: Default.txt rmpd: Promos.txt rmpd: Opening up /tmp/rmp.dat rmpd: Playlist: Default.txt rmpd: COPY /usr/local/rmp/playlists/Default.txt to /tmp/rmp_Default.txt rmpd: PLAYFILE/PLAYLIST = /tmp/rmp_Default.txt rmpd: LENGTH=4 rmpd: Saying TIME: 1 of 1 rmpd: PLAYLIST = /tmp/rmp_Default.txt rmpd: LENGTH=4 rmpd: RANDOM=1 rmpd: TUNE = /usr/local/rmp/audio/Kenny Wayne Shepherd-Blue On Black.mp3 rmpd: LENGTH = 4 rmpd: TUNENUM = 1 rmpd: PLAYLIST = Default.txt rmpd: ARTIST = Kenny Wayne Shepherd rmpd: TITLE = Blue On Black (Album Version) rmpd: GENRE = Pop rmpd: TIME Count: 0 of 3 rmpd: /usr/bin/mplayer -really-quiet /usr/local/rmp/audio/Kenny Wayne Shepherd-Blue On Black.mp3 5) Break out with ctrl-C 6) Fix any issues, If all runs smooth, then put rmpd and rmp.ctrld in backgroud. # ./runrmp 4f. Configure for rmpweb. NOTE: It is best to use either the rmp command line interface or the rmpweb. Some features may not work since the Web interface runs under a different account that what you execute the command lines with. *** The folowing assumes that the document root is /html *** 1) Manually execut rmpweb: If rmpd and rmp.ctrld are not running you will see: # ./rmpweb Content-type: text/html Relaxation Room Music Player Relaxation Room Music Player

ERROR: RMP Daemons are not running.

Make sure that both are running:
Start rmpd and rmp.ctrld and you should see clean html cold # ./rmpweb Content-type: text/html Relaxation Room Music Player Relaxation Room Music Player

Next Song | Search

Goo Goo Dolls

. . . The following configuration has been validated on apache2 using the following configureations 2) Modify /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/ AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Order allow,deny Allow from all 3) From /usr/local/rmp, copy webfiles into place # cp rmpweb /var/www/cgi-bin # mkdir /var/www/html/css # cp -pr css/* /var/www/html # mkdir /var/www/html/rmp # cp -pr html/* /var/www/html/rmp 4) In apaches document root, create a html file that redirects to the rmpweb CGI with these 2 lines of html code. # /var/www/html/rmp/index.html RMP Try it out! Hit it with a web browser 4g. Configure for file downloads To configure the file download you just need to add a symlink from the apache document root to match the exact path to the music path Here is an example if the document root is /var/www/html: - A playlist file MyTunes.m3u has the music files like: /music/list/The Fray - Save a Life.mp3 - Symlink to music from the document root to the path of the music files. # ln -s /var/www/html/music/ /music 5. INSTRUCTIONS FOR rmpweb The rmpweb has the following links: * Next Song - Goto the next random song in the current playlist * Search - Search all the playlist for a single song * download - Download the current music file locally. * Enable/Disable Promos from Playing * Enable/Disable the Time from being spoken * Volume - Set the volume from 1 - 10 or use + or - to increment the level * Playlists - select a new playlist to play music from 6. INSTRUCTIONS FOR rmp NOTE: It is best to use either the rmp command line interface or the rmpweb. Some features may not work since the Web interface runs under a different account that what you execute the command lines with. To find all the available commands with rmp use the -h option: ./rmp -h Syntax: rmp [OPTION] [VALUE] -h Display this Help -d [p|t] Disable promos or saying time -e [p|t] Enable promos or saying time -n Next tune -p playlist New Playlist -s tune Search tune pattern -t tune Specific tune (with full path and "" if needed) -v [0..10] Volume setting Available Playlists are: list.m3u 7. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TIME Why is this feature here? This feature was added so when music is playing while you are working while listening to music, it is easy to lose track of time. Sometimes when working you will not hear the time the first time it is spoken, so $NUMTIME can be set to speak the time however many consecutives needed. What is needed? Time needs to utilize a speech synthesizer that needs to be installed. espeak has been tested, but rmp should work with others if installed. How is it set up? Since songs vary in length, rmp is coded to speak the time based off of the number of songs played. Most songs are around 4-5 minutes long so setting the $TIMETUNES to 3 songs will be close to every 15 minutes. Once the time is spoken, rmp will return to playing music. How to turn off hearing the time? The time is not be spoken if any of the following conditions are met: $NUMTIME="" or The speech synthesizer program does not exit, How do I hear the time twice after every 3 songs? $TIMETUNES=4 $NUMTIME=2 How do I test the Time configs? when rmpd is launched the first thing it does is say the time. Selecting "Next Song" will not work because rmp is coded to ignore skipping of songs in this manner. In order to quickly test that TIMETUNES setting, from another shell simply kill your music player (killall mplayer). rmpd will assume the song ended and will play the next song. 8. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROMOS Why is this feature here? This feature was added to support commercials, promo's, or just fun audio clips like famous movie quotes. What is needed? A file in the playlist directory called Promos.txt that is defined in the rmp.cfg file. How is it set up? The Promos.txt file is set up like any other playlist file. It contains a list [path]/[file].mp3 entries. That's it. A promo entry will be selected at random from the Promos.txt file. Use the PROMOTUNES variable to set when a promo will be played after "x" number of tunes. NUMPROMO will set how many promo audio clips will be played when it is time to play the promo audio clips. How do I hear 2 Promos after 5 tunes have played? PROMOTUNES=5 NUMPROMO=2 How do I test the Promo configs? Just select "Next Song" in rmp or rmpweb. 9. F.A.Q. 9a. How does it all work? * rmpd and rmp.ctrld run as root so they can control devices even after you have logged out. * rmp and rmpweb can run as any user. * Issuing a command through rmp or rmpweb writes out tht rmp.cmd rmp.ctrl checks for rmp.cmd every 2 seconds. If there is a volume change then rmp.ctrl adjusts the volume. If there is a playlist change or the Next tune is requests, then rmp.ctrl kills the music player and the rmpd executes the change. * rmpd write to rmp.dat and rmp.vol as root and sets the perm to 777 in the temporary directory. Yeah, I know 777, but hey its only music lists. It doesn't modify any of the actual music files. * rmp.watchdog watches to see if rmpd died. This happens if it hits a bad music file. It checks ever 5 seconds and ends after 55 seconds. So the crontab restarts it at the top of each minute. 9b. How do I stop rmp? rmp can be stopped by running /usr/local/rmp/killrmp as root or clicking on reset in the web interface. It will kill rmpd, rmpctrld, and mplayer. However, if the rmp.watchdog is running in the cron it will start back up again. 9c. I just updated my playlist file in /usr/local/rmp/playlist, when will rmp start using it. rmp will start using the updated list when it has played all the songs in the current playlist. If you can't wait, just delete the matching playlist file in the temporary directory (/tmp). When the current song ends or rmp is restarted, it will rebuild the index in /tmp from the updated playlist. 9d. Something stopped working, what do I do? rmp can be reset by clicking on reset in the web interface. It will kill rmpd, rmpctrld, and mplayer and clean up the temporary files. To manually clean things up, run /usr/rmp/killrmp and delete any file in the temporary directory that start with rmp_ (undescore) or rmp. (period) 9e. When can/can't I use spaces? So far, rmp will break when the name of a playlist file has a space in it. It is advisable to use "_" underscores. rmp will replace "_" with spaces when it is displayed. Music file names within the playlist are allowed to have spaces. There is nothing wrong with the actual music files having a space in their name. 9f. Why does the volume work, not work, or only works between 7-10? rmp makes use of the gnome alsa sound mixer. It seems that not all sound cards are supported or act differently. More information can be found at: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page 10. New Features Developed: * Queuing will provide the ability to queue up a selection of songs so you can be the DJ and have more control. It will override the playlist, but once the queue is finished rmp will return to the current playlist. * Ability to manipulate settings from rmp or rmpweb. * If you would like to see more features let me know! wkrik@yahoo.com 11. KNOWN BUGS * Any playlist file that has spaces in the filename * If you find any bugs please let me know! wkrik@yahoo.com